TOPIC: Getting to Know Each Other, Understanding Feelings, & Learning to Relax
This program will offer children an opportunity to learn new skills for living with the stressors of cancer in the family. They will have their questions about cancer answered, learn useful ways to communicate and ask for help, and discover positive relaxation techniques and other coping skills. Parents will attend their own separate support group at the same time.
Sessions will take place the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 6-7:30pm in person at GCKC. Dinner will be provided and voluntary pet therapy will be available. Bring a side or snacks to share if you’d like!
Session 2: October 16th - Talking About Change, Understanding Cancer, & Talking about Loss
Session 3: November 20th - Appreciating Ourselves, Solving Problems, & Putting it All Together
Session 4: Date TBD - Celebration!
If you would like to enroll in this free program...
Email us at or call 816-531-5444.